Joe Buff


I've read Deep Sound Channel and currently reading Thunder in the Deep, love both books, but I really wanted Joe to write books about nuke subs in a not-so-advance year... :)

the things going with nuke torp and submarine that can reach 15,000 + feet (?)

anyway, good books

>>By Wolv   (Sunday, 26 Jan 2003 03:00)

Bought Crush Depth, don't know why. This book is as bad as anything Clancey wrote. People who have not served in 'boats' (of any class) should not write about them in any way. Within the first 70 pages the inaccuracies are tantamount to criminal negligence on the part of the author and are too numerous to relate in this forum.
If you have a piece of furniture that is unstable then this is the book to put under the offending leg, for that is all the use it is.
Should you require any clarifications of the aforementioned inaccurices please feel free to and they will be explained.
For the record I served 18 years in boats 12 of which were on Polaris / Attack and 6 on conventional (diesel for the uninitiated).

>>By Raptor   (Sunday, 26 Jan 2003 03:00)

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