Alvin Toffler


where can i find book reviews on tofflers book the third wave?

>>By kyle   (Saturday, 25 Jan 2003 17:57)

What does Chapters 2 and 3 wants to say?

>>By Lean Bon B. Cunanan   (Wednesday, 12 Feb 2003 11:29)

where can i find book revies's on tofflers book the powershift?

>>By rose gonzales   (Tuesday, 4 Mar 2003 07:50)

where can i research about third wave?

>>By beauty   (Tuesday, 4 Mar 2003 08:43)

Toffler is a great writer!

>>By Aprille   (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 06:33)

Where can I find book reviews on Alvin Toffler's "Powershift"?

>>By Bubba   (Wednesday, 26 Nov 2003 19:14)

what is Alvin Toffler doing in a literature discussion forum. An dwhy would anyone want to read capitalist, liberal rightist analyses like Toffler's. Besides his work is dated, having been superceded by Fukuyama's End Of History, which has largely been discredited. So, I ask again... Why Alvin and Heidi, who are essentially the voicebox of demagoguery?

>>By dionysus   (Thursday, 27 Nov 2003 02:52)

where can i find reviews on the third wave?

>>By desir333   (Sunday, 5 Dec 2004 12:50)

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