Aidan Chambers



>>By whw   (Tuesday, 1 Apr 2003 21:27)

Why isen't all your books for kids and teens?
What langauge do you speak natrualy?

>>By Polo Larden   (Friday, 25 Apr 2003 21:15)

OK, I have no clue what you guys above are discussing so animadtedly in Chinese, but I just wanted to check whether anything interesting was being said about this British author.
I guess I'll come back when this has happened ...

>>By Aywin   (Friday, 21 Nov 2003 15:16)

oh, i have read the book "dance on my grave" and i find it wunderful, (sorry, but i on't know a better word for. My english is horrible. but i want to lern it, so i must write much in english. ähm... joa. i like it...

>>By Nicholas   (Friday, 12 Nov 2004 20:45)

He is a very interesting author. I have read all his books, but he is also a wonderful person. I listened to him in Stockholm some years ago and he is one of the few authors I really should want to become friends with. He is interested in a lots of things and he seems to be an extreemly kind person.
His books are kind of hard to read, you don´t like the main characters in the beginning, the novells make you change when reading them.

>>By krissi   (Thursday, 24 Mar 2005 22:12)

Hello to all A.C. readers!

His books, especially Dance on my grave (the only one book I red for a few times), Postcards from No Man's Land and The toll bridge, are really great. One question: In almost everyone of his books he writes about homosexuality, in very different ways. Why?

>>By Ballymag   (Monday, 16 May 2005 17:47)

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